Caregiver Health #CareforaCarer

Often, in my observations as a registered nurse, I have seen how resilient people can be. Through the most challenging health circumstances, patients of all ages can rally and respond to support and care. But when I refer to resilience and strength, I’m applying it to the silent army known as caregivers.Photograph- a picture painted by the sun without instruction in art.

In homes, in chemo suites, hospice care, and everywhere else, on a daily basis, you can find caregivers who step up in the moments when it is needed most. These carers (used interchangeably with caregivers) provide unpaid assistance to someone in need. Often family and friends, caregiving can be one of the most rewarding experiences, but also one of the most difficult. I can say that with absolute certainty, not just as a nurse, but as a caregiver for my family.

I cared for my father through his cancer battle, his stem-cell transplant, and ultimately through hospice until his passing. It was a privilege to care for him, and I would do it all over again, but I don’t say that lightly. Caregiving can involve the hardest days and can take emotional, physical, and financial tolls with no outlet to share those feelings. This is why we need to spotlight and discuss the need to #CareforaCarer.

Here are some facts.

More than half (54%) of unpaid carers don’t have time to book or attend their own medical appointments.

42 % of unpaid carers put health of the person they are caring for above their own health.

Almost 3 in 10 unpaid carers feel their role as a carer is not recognized by the healthcare system.

While many understand that carers play a crucial role in lives of patients, what’s less understood is the need for resources and support. A carer’s own health often suffers as a result of the stress and demands of caring for someone else.personal care.KGaA

There is help.

Through working with carer organizations, and the multi-year Embracing Carers initiative, Merck KGaA Darmstadt, Germany operating as EMD Serono in the US and Canada hopes to improve lives for carers and patients.

The Embracing Carers initiative plays a key role in raising awareness of caregiving as a global public health priority as it should be. Healthier carers lead to happier, more productive workers and better carers of patients.Here’s some more information.

Embracing Carers is supported by leading international carer organizations including: the Caregiver Action Network, Carers Australia, Carers UK, Carers Worldwide, Eurocarers, the National Alliance for Caregiving, International Alliance of Carer Organizations and Shanghai Roots & Shoots, China. It has support of many patient and physician groups around the world.suffering health.KGaA

Embracing Carers Initiative addresses caregiver stresses by highlighting the unmet needs of caregivers on a global and local level, empowering caregivers to advocate for their own health and well being.

As a nurse, I often preach to colleagues that you can’t take proper care of patients if you’re not taking care of yourself, and the same goes for caregivers. It’s easier said than done, but through action and discussion, we can help support each other.Merck KGaA Embracing Carers_Survey Infographic

What can you do to help?

  • Share this blog post.
  • Post messages of Hope intended for caregivers globally with #CareforaCarer.
  • And if you see #CareforaCarer on Twitter take a moment to hit Retweet.
  • If you belong to an organization or a business that supports carers or caregivers please share your positive programs or examples as well.

This has been a Thrifty Mom Media influencer outreach project. This post has been sponsored by EMD Serono, which means I have been compensated. My opinion is all my own and it is also truthful.

By | 2017-11-30T19:31:10+00:00 November 30th, 2017|Health|1 Comment

One Comment

  1. Paula Schuck December 11, 2017 at 2:06 pm - Reply

    Thank you for sharing your story here too Linda. I believe this is an area where people need so much more support than what they currently are getting.,

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