Why Every Parent Needs To Watch Leaving Neverland

I stayed up until two am last night watching Leaving Neverland on HBO while my kids slept peacefully in their beds upstairs. Then I watched After Neverland with Oprah. Then I felt sick so I stayed up writing. My intention is to keep this post [...]

By | 2019-03-07T02:53:52+00:00 March 6th, 2019|Blogger, Parenting|0 Comments

Dusting This Off!

Seems like the right time to start up this blog again! Figured it will be the best way to keep up with friends and family. As it turns out, A LOT has happened during our hiatus from the bloghood, but we intend to do our [...]

By | 2018-10-03T18:07:00+00:00 July 7th, 2014|Blogger|0 Comments

A Christmas Photobook

It has taken a while, but I've been working on a photobook that captured this past Christmas.  I hope Jack and Allie look at it frequently and remember all the fun they had... Click here to view this photo book larger Build your own high-quality [...]

By | 2018-10-03T18:07:00+00:00 March 4th, 2013|Blogger|0 Comments