Fall Fun

Fall is my favorite season, and we have enjoyed lots of good times.

1st up is Jack. Our fire safety guru is going on a field trip today with school – when did he get old enough for a field trip?! He was very excited! He actually took his first field trip last week with his class. Appropriately, it was to a firehouse. He is really enjoying his class and coming home very happy. They have spanish, computer, as well as music and we absolutely love his teachers.

Yesterday, Jack had a check up with his pulmonary doctor followed by a Jack and Mama lunch date. I am so lucky I got to spend special time with my soon-to-be-not-so-little-boy. We like his doctor a lot, she allows us to debate about the value of meds vs side effects and we come to an agreement. It was at this time last year that Jack developed the cough that lasted until June. After testing for pertussis and too many rounds of oral steroids, we were told it is asthma and have since seen an improvement with an inhaler. He is a pro at using his “puffer” and hopefully will outgrow it eventually.

As for our Allie girl, who just turned 15 months, she is just a mover and a shaker. She is a happy-go-lucky, very determined little girl and her days revolve around trying to keep up with her big brother. She tries to match up to him when eating, playing, and now brushing teeth. He is a great teacher! This week, she has discovered getting up and down. Sitting up and down. Picking something up and down. She says, “upppp, dowwnnn” at least 50 times a day. 🙂 She freely gives Jack lots of hugs and kisses. She is obsessed with dogs, including Pinky, who goes everywhere.

This weekend we plan to have lots of Halloween fun before the big Frankenstorm coming our way. Hope everyone enjoys their weekend!

By | 2018-10-03T17:30:21+00:00 October 26th, 2012|Blogger|0 Comments

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