Holiday Travel with Kids

Travel Blogger

I’m gearing up to travel with the kiddos this weekend to NYC for the holidays.

Here are a few of my favorite travel wellness tips for holiday travel with kids.

💫 Don’t just survive the holidays traveling with kids, stir up some playful fun with the little ones while properly embarrassing the older kids as needed. I plan to create a treasure hunt before we leave since we’re always searching for something anyway. Parental shenanigans game on!

It’s not that I’m delusional about holiday travel, I just know from experience that flying solo with kids through LGA during the holidays will be crazy and chaotic – so we may as well make the most of it because…well, these are the days we’ll look back on

💫 Pack snacks and then pack even more snacks. My kiddos each get a snack pack for their backpacks so I save $ and don’t have to buy overpriced food at the airport and I am covered in case we sit delayed on the tarmac for hours.

💫Set yourself on parental chill mode. My son wants to watch the iPad the entire plane ride. Wish granted. I like to sit back and relax in flight and believe the kids should be able to as well. Not the time to get all worked up. Kids pick up our stress so if we relax, maybe they can relax too.

💫 Learn through travel. My kiddos have been flying since they were infants. Now approaching tweenhood, I try to let them guide me through the airport, find the gate, check the time, and empower them to figure logistics out and run through some basic safety planning.

Getting ready to travel for the holidays? Wishing everyone safe, healthy, and happy adventures this holiday season!

By | 2019-12-18T07:14:32+00:00 December 18th, 2019|Blogger|0 Comments

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