Moving Q&A

We decided to do a family questionnaire about our big move. Here is our all true, unedited responses taken at the airport after we landed in Nashville.

What excites you about moving to Nashville ?
Jack:  that i have family there
Linda: mild winters
Allie:  my pink room
Rob: a big house

What is your favorite food? 
Jack: pasta
Linda: NY pizza
Allie:  ice cream
Rob: pizza

What will you miss about NY?
Jack: my room
Linda: my people (you know who you are)
Allie: willy (our dog who came with us)
Rob: pizza

Name something you love in Nashville?
Jack: the pool (there is a community pool)
Linda: cleaner, nicer
Allie: willy
Rob: music

Name something you love in New York?
Jack: my family
Linda: Manhattan, no other place like it and my family and friends
Allie: mama
Rob: chinese food

New York accent or Nashville accent, which is better? You guys or ya’ll?
Jack: NY accent. you guys
Linda: c’mon, you guys
Allie: ya’ll
Rob: you guys

What is your favorite activity?
Jack: Sports
Linda: playing/swimming with Jack, Allie, and Rob
Allie: playing with my Ariel doll
Rob: dancing with my lady

Who is your favorite team?
Jack: soccer
Linda: Yankees and Giants
Allie: ummm
Rob: i dont have a favorite team

What would you like say to family/friends in NY?
Jack: bye bye
Linda: come visit us!
Allie: see u later alligator
Rob: we will see u soon

By | 2018-10-03T17:30:13+00:00 August 16th, 2014|Blogger|0 Comments

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