Raising Giving Kids

Blog GraphicIt’s one of my gazillion parenting goals. To raise kids that will give back, will be generous, and have open hearts. One show that promotes this goal that both of my kids love is Care Bears & Cousins on Netflix. It’s all about sharing, kindness, and giving, so when I told my daughter that Build-A-Bear Workshop now offers Care Bears, and we had received a $30 gift card, she was thrilled.

It was just as big plans began to spin in her little head about building Cheer Bear that I gently proposed we create one…to donate. She wasn’t sure how she felt about that idea. I went on to explain that she has a Care Bear and has been lucky enough to visit Build-A-Bear Workshop, but it would be so kind to build one for another little girl or boy. A while later, a lightbulb went on, and she came up with the best idea ALL by herself. She suggested we go to Build-A-Bear, and she could create Cheer Bear for a little girl at the local children’s hospital. With that plan, we were off to Build-A-Bear Workshop. Parenting win.

Let me just say, I was not really into dolls as a little girl, but I loved stuffed animals (as do both my kids), and this place is sweet, fun, and creative. Build-A-Bear Workshop provides an interactive experience for the littles and gives them control in creating their new stuffed friend. I appreciate their price point of about $10.00 for a stuffed animal with tons of options to customize including sounds, clothes, shoes, and accessories.

At the end of the day, my hope is that my kids will realize that giving feels better than receiving. We know how lucky we are to have a healthy family and hope Cheer Bear gave a little girl a smile at Monroe Carrell Jr. Children’s Hospital.

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Disclosure: I am a Care Bears #ShareYourCare Ambassador with American Greetings Entertainment. All my opinions are my own and I recently won a $30 gift card to Build-A-Bear Workshop.

By | 2016-05-22T08:00:09+00:00 May 22nd, 2016|Parenting|1 Comment

One Comment

  1. Savannah June 8, 2016 at 10:43 pm - Reply

    How absolutely precious! And how wonderful of your sweet daughter.
    I like that she took some time to think and process how she felt about the whole situation. You gave her the space she needed, and the outcome was beautiful. Way to go, mama! Sounds like you’re doing a wonderful job to me <3

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